You might have noticed that the progress bar for the WWTP campaign has been removed. We first want to thank all of those generous people who donated to the campaign. Your support and donations helped us immensely. The total costs of this necessary infrastructure upgrade was around $300,000. The exploration of different designs, the design fees and the permitting fees were paid by visitation and operations income. The construction phase cost $180,000 and we borrowed $100,000. With your contributions, we have already paid about half of that loan leaving us with only about $50,000 to pay and up to four years remaining on the loan schedule. We don't think it will take but two more years with modest payments. Therefore, we are ending the successful fundraising campaign! Of course, your donations to Orient Land Trust are still very much appreciated and vital to our continued effectiveness as a conservation organization. Once again, our deep and insufficiently expressed gratitude for your support. We have supporters with strong shoulders!