Spaces are still left for the OLT Annual Fundraising Dinner on Fri, Oct 9th at the Raddison in south Denver. . Dinner is $35.00 per person and it's a fundraiser to pay off the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades. The state-mandated WWTP upgrade involved a long process that included initial study costs, recommendations, designs, permits, and then finally, construction. The accumulating expense began with preliminary studies over six years ago. Once the size and type of upgrade were determined, we then paid the design firm, the State of Colorado for permits, and finally construction costs, totaling about $180,000. Altogether, the WWTP has cost more than $300.000. The good news is that we only borrowed $100,000 and made the first payment towards the loan of roughly $31,000 this September! That means there is only around $70,000 left to fundraise for and we're done! The rest has been paid through our Admission and Accommodation fees, income generated for OLT thanks to all of our visitors! Help us wrap up this campaign in 2015 by attending the dinner or donating on-line! The Oct 9th dinner speakers, OLT community socializing and music with OLT musicians John Standish and Mark Allen will be fun!
You can register for the dinner until October 5 th at
Online Registration
Discounted rooms are available at the Raddison for $99 / night if any out of town dinner attendees want to stay overnight.. They need to call a special number at the hotel to get that rate at 303-306-3329 and ask for Alysha.